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Bring along these animals, who want to feel unique, to your favorite spots.
And don't forget to remind them that they're in Augmented Actual Reality.

Harajuku is more than just an NFT collection for investment.
The animals in your wallet can come to life, move, and dance in the real world through your smartphone.

Join our community and witness our progress.
Everyone who participates in this project is a friend, so feel free to visit your friends' favorite places and share them with us.


AR mode is available on smartphones. Please use this QR code to access it.

NFT Collection of PFPs

  • sakura cat
  • sakura dog
  • yozakura koala
  • yozakura rabbit


We're not full-time, but we take this seriously as it's also a fun project. We try to dedicate as much time as possible to creating it. To ensure we don't forget anything, we list the project milestones here.

  1. Open communities and grant special roles to owners.

    Possibly through Discord. Our goal is to share updates on the creation process and our thoughts about the future with the community.

  2. Open AR will be exclusively available to those who own it.

    The animals you own in your wallet will not be accessible to others.

  3. Launch 1 or 2 more base animal(s).

    We have not yet decided which animals to add. If you have any requests, please mention them on SNS using the hashtag #Harajukuwtf.

  4. Create 1,000 animals or more.

    Each of our animals is unique and not generative. However, we are still lacking in some skills, and we strive to improve and provide even more animals in the future.


We are based in Tokyo, Japan, but our creations are for everyone, everywhere.